Fidelity Card
This is a fidelity card. If you have not already done so, install the Dr.Why App on your smartphone to create your fidelity card and use it during a live game of Dr.Why.
Team Administrator Team members: 1

Positionings obtained by the team in classic matches
10° More
0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
Classic matches
Inedited matches
Tournaments matches
Correct answers
Abstained answers
Incorrect answers
History of played matches
Date Pos. Points Location Winner Action
23/05/2024 10 5.295 The Londoner IL MELANDRI View
09/05/2024 7 4.540 The Londoner QUALE DRINK View
14/03/2024 5 6.600 The Londoner CAMEL KILLER View
01/02/2024 3 6.702 The Londoner SAETTA MCQ. View
11/05/2023 4 5.394 The Londoner QUALEDRINK? View
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